The Leadership Game


Helps you become a better leader

The purpose of this game is reflecting on how you function in your role as a leader. What is your leadership vision and how do you put it into practice? Does your leadership vision match that of your organization? What do your employees expect from you as a manager and a leader?

More information

The game consists of two parts:

1. Aspects of leadership (75 cards). These aspects (leadership is ...) describe a mix of behaviour, attitude and values and comprise six themes. The six themes are:

  • Managing values (for example: treating everyone fairly).
  • Aims and results (for example: bringing out the best in your employees).
  • Managing people (for example: knowing what is going on among your employees).
  • Managing (for example: setting and monitoring procedures).
  • Decision-making (for example: making sure that decisions are fully understood and supported by your employees).
  • Self-management (for example: adjusting your own behaviour).

2. Pictures (40 cards). This series of striking images and photographs can be used as a medium to discuss concepts of leadership.

Possible applications

The Leadership Game covers all the main aspects of leadership. Therefore, the game is suited for all kinds of managers, situations and leadership visions. Applications include:

  • Coaching managers
  • Performance appraisal interviews with managers
  • Coaching employees who are having difficulties with the leadership styles of their manager
  • Peer-to-peer coaching sessions in which managers give each other feedback (either one-on-one or in groups)
  • Discussing what employees in a team expect from their manager


  • Boxed game with 115 full-colour cards and instructions for six different methods of play
  • Authors: Peter Gerrickens and Marijke Verstege
  • ISBN: 97890-74123280
  • Price: € 39,00 (excluding 21% VAT and shipping costs)

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